The Mad Dog joins the White Russian
Tuesday, our little Luke turned 21. As such, naturally we decided to celebrate. The night started off with an amazing dinner that the Spanish put together, and we gladly joined in helping to clear off the leftovers. Now, I have been around them long enough to realize that if there is a celebration and the Spanish are involved, inevitably there is sangria...Usually in ridiculous amounts.

The feast of feasts. Can you find the birthday boy among all the Spanish?

Make a wish! Note: in the corner you can see the tub with sangria.

Luke cutting the cake and posing with his birthday present. The Spanish made him this little poster and we all signed it. They also made photocopies of it and plastered it all over the dom. Nice work boys.

Hehehehehehe, "animal party". The Engrish continues...
After some dinner, cake, happy birthday singing and lots of sangria, someone busted out the bottle of tequila. Now, having already consumed 4 glasses of the Spanish delicacy as well as 1 beer, I should have known better. But the tequila was from Mexico and it was another girl's birthday as well so she insisted that we all do a shot. Peer pressure when already feeling drunk is not a good thing (more on that later...)

Javi and Mon leading the toast.

Ah tequila birthday toast

Cheers! Na zdrowie! Prost! Yamas! Salut! Sante! (help me out with the spelling guys...)

"I can open a bottle of champagne, really I can. Want to see?" - Luke

Apparently he can't do it. Not without getting it all over his face at least. :)
By this point, as you may imagine, we were getting a bit rowdy. Not wanting another visit from "his magnificence" we decided to move the party to a pub. At the bar I followed with another beer and then decided to get the birthday boy a shot. Being a true believer that if ordering someone a shot, you must do one of the same yourself, I decided to go for something nice and tasty. After trying to explain a few shots to the bartender and getting only blank looks in return (was it me or him, I wonder...) I settled on straight Baileys. After sharing another shot with Erin (amaretto this time, yummy) Luke decided to get "The Canada Girls" a shot as well: a Mad Dog to be exact. Now, I don't recall this drink from home (closest thing that I can think of is a prairie Fire) but basically it's vodka, tobasco sauce and a bit of fruit syrup on the bottom.
SIDE NOTE: Apparently there is a shot called the Crazy Mad Dog (according to one of the Polish guys who lives in the dom). The difference between the Crazy and regular Mad Dog? The vodka is 75% proof... (is that even legal?).
"Luke, there's no way that I'm drinking that. That's disgusting." - Monika
"Oh come on, Monika don't let your country down." - Luke
"Oh God, this is going to hurt." - Erin lifting her shot glass
"Oh Canada, our home and native land..." - Luke singing off key
"I hate you so much..." - Monika giving in and drinking the awful shot
It took me two tries to get it all down... See what I mean about peer pressure? Shortly after that we decided that it was time to go home. I refused the taxi, knowing my stomach there was no way I was going to make it, and opted to walk home instead. Luke dropped me off at my room and I stumbled into bed just before 5:00 a.m. But not before discovering a 'present' waiting for me on our floor. Still don't know who that was ("You guys had a phantom puker?" - Luke) though I'm sticking to my theory (Come on Oli, we know it was you...).
Both Erin and I were out of commission yesterday ("I love fake work." - Erin) spending most of the day sleeping. By the evening we were feeling much better and actually managed to get some solid food in our bodies. So with that memorable evening, the Mad Dog has made the list of drinks I will never drink again in my life. And I have made a promise to my liver that I will take it easy from now on.
As well as to never say that Nic and Ilona party too much...
Mad Dog... my new favorite drink.
7:34 AM
Here's an idea... the Crazy Tequila Mad Dog Sunrise! Huh, huh? Mix the best of both worlds! Any takers? Oh, I think I'm going to be sick just thinking of it...
11:47 AM
Good job Monika. It's nice to read ur blog while "i'm working".
MMMM, sangria it's a good choice to start the night, isn't it, Monika ;-)
The receipt of sangria for 3 or 4 people (1,5 liters)
- 1 big spoons of sugar
- 2 big spoons of syrup fruit (peach or mixed) with the liquid. If
you don't want to put syrup fruit can put peach, apple and orange
(for example) but then you should put more sugar.
- 1 and a half shot of cointreau, or something similar, like
curacao, triple sec, or the one I used in Poland was orange
sobiesky (something like orange vodka).
- Optional: half shot of vodka, cognac or whatever you want.
- A can of orange fanta
- Lot of ice
- A bottle of red wine (75 cl)
And that's all, you mix and u drink. Enjoy your homemade sangria
3:58 AM
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