Random musing, mainly bird related.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I need your help

I don't really want to get into the whole explanation of why I'm doing this, just cause at the moment I don't have much time, BUT I was hoping that you guys could help me out.

I was hoping for some opinions on the following shots. Basically if you could let me know which two photos you like best I would greatly appreciate it.

You can either leave a comment here or just MSN me.


PS. I will explain later...


Blogger Angry Brown Man said...

The window one is far and away the best.

7:49 AM

Blogger Javi said...

The sixth and the last one are the best ones. Kisses from spain

9:37 AM

Blogger TS said...

I like the rock arch and the stone window. The chinese lanterns have great composition but soso focus, the pink window is technically nice but I'm sick of these "I'm in southern europe and taking pictures of windows and doors" shots.

9:39 AM

Blogger Chris S said...

I vote for the sunset and the water droplet

12:22 PM

Blogger a bike rider in the big smoke said...

ok, to make my vote official I will put it here.

I vote for the sunset and a cropped version of the window.

A cropped version of the water droplet is nice too, but I think it needs some work with colour, contrast, and some dodging and burning too....

1:40 PM

Blogger Rafski said...

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10:32 AM

Blogger Rafski said...

Hey, I really like the lanterns minus the focus problem because you finally stray from the dullness of centering ur main position of focus. It follows the rule of thirds, it produces triangles thus promotes movement. The rocks are nice, but it would have been cooler to make them seem active or alive. I don't like the pictures of any subject matter perfectly centered. it's boring. But i still love you!

10:34 AM

Blogger Leah said...

I like the rocks (second one) and the window view of the castle (?). If i had to pick between the two, I'd say the rocks.

3:28 PM

Blogger Leah said...

I like the rocks (second one) and the window view of the castle (?). If i had to pick between the two, I'd say the rocks.

3:28 PM

Blogger Liz said...

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10:19 AM

Blogger Liz said...

the laterns the and window

10:20 AM


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